
Effective Neighbourhood Policing is a “golden thread” but Police Officer abstraction levels are concerning and community safety strategic reform is needed: Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland
An inspection of forensic services in Northern Ireland has called for strengthened collaborative working between Forensic Science Northern Ireland, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Department of Justice to achieve their shared strategic vision of delivering world-class forensic services in Northern Ireland. This report highlights the need for more fully integrated and unified service delivery projects from crime scene to court that demonstrate high quality, timely and value for money benefits to the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of Forensic Services in Northern Ireland.  There are two principal suppliers of forensic services to the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System – Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI) and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of the governance and operation of the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland (PCNI) including case management, risk management and operational support.  
The UK National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) has today published its 14th Annual Report for 2022–23. The report details the work carried out by CJI and other designated organisations to ensure the rights of those in places of detention, such as prisons and police custody. This year’s report warns that governments across the UK have repeatedly failed to take meaningful action to alleviate human rights concerns where people are deprived of their liberty.  
A new prison inspection process finds that while progress had been made against inspection findings at Maghaberry Prison and Magilligan Prison, there remained much to do to address priority and key concerns identified at recent unannounced inspections to improve outcomes for prisoners.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of Community Safety and Local Policing Arrangements in Northern Ireland.

The inspection will focus on the three main elements of the CJI inspection framework as they apply to the approach to community safety and local policing; these are strategy and governance, delivery and outcomes.