Home > NEWS > Press Releases > 2006 > April – June April – June 25/05/2006 Agency needs to target Benefit Fraud more effectively An inspection of the Social Security Agency’s benefit fraud investigation unit has shown that it could make better use of available resources, information and intelligence to tackle benefit fraud. 18/05/2006 Inspection uncovers long wait for Justice in Northern Ireland Excessive delays in the processing of criminal cases have been found in the criminal justice system following an inspection by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. 04/05/2006 Head of Criminal Justice Inspection to meet Craigavon DPP The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice Kit Chivers is to meet with Members of Craigavon District Policing Partnership today, Thursday 4 May 2006. 04/05/2006 Maghaberry Prison: separation at a price A joint Inspection of Maghaberry Prison by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons and the Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice does not question the policy of separation but points out that it has been costly in terms of money and the level of service to prisoners. 21/04/2006 Criminal Justice Inspection looks to the future Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has unveiled its Corporate Plan for the next three years and its Business Plan for 2006-07.