Complaints about CJI
Making a complaint about Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
This procedure explains how you can make a complaint if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your contact with or experience of Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI).
What is a complaint?
A complaint is defined as when a person expresses dissatisfaction with any aspect of CJI’s standard of service. This may include the conduct of any permanent or temporary member of CJI or other people carrying out inspection related work for or on behalf of CJI.
The work of CJI
The aim of all CJI’s activities is improvement. CJI will conduct its work and report with honesty and impartiality. It will be open about its practices and procedures. It will treat its own staff and those with whom it deals courteously, fairly and without discrimination. We welcome and will be responsive to any complaints or other feedback from our customers. To provide assurance on compliance with agreed standards for the handling of complaints in the NI public sector, CJI’s complaints handling will be subject to annual internal audit.
Complaints Procedure
If you wish to make a complaint you may find it helpful to follow the following steps:
First Stage:
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of CJI speak with an appropriate member of CJI and explain your complaint. Alternatively, explain your complaint in writing and send it to CJI in hard copy to:
The Complaints Officer
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
Block 1, Knockview Buildings,
Stormont Estate,
Tel: 02890 765764
What you can expect at Stage One:
- CJI will acknowledge in writing, any complaint within 7 working days of receiving it.
- On receipt of a complaint the CJI officer receiving it or an officer nominated by the CJI Complaints Officer will attempt to resolve your complaint by informal resolution.
- CJI will attempt to resolve a first stage complaint as soon as we can and in any case within 15 working days of receiving it.
- If CJI has been unable to resolve your complaint within 15 working days of receipt of it we will write to you and keep you informed of its progress.
Second Stage:
If you still feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman:
By phone: 0800 34 34 24 (this is a Freephone number) or 028 9023 3821
By fax: 028 9023 4912
By writing to: The NI Public Services Ombudsman, Freepost BEL 1478, Belfast BT1 6BR
By calling, between 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays), at:
The NI Public Services Ombudsman's Office,
Progressive House,
33 Wellington Place,
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman deals with complaints from people who believe they have suffered injustice as a result of poor administration or the wrong applications of rules by government departments and public bodies in Northern Ireland. The Ombudsman is the ‘last resort’, normally only investigating cases when the complainant has already exhausted the formal complaints procedure of the organisation concerned.