Home > NEWS > Press Releases > 2022 > Apr - June > CJI publishes 2022-23 Business Plan and Inspection Programme CJI publishes 2022-23 Business Plan and Inspection Programme 23/05/2022 Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has published its annual Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2022-23 outlining the work the Inspectorate intends to undertake during the financial year. “The annual Business Plan is the last in our current three-year Corporate Plan period. It details how we will use inspection to deliver performance improvement in the criminal justice system, to achieve better outcomes for those who use its services. It also contains the objective and targets we have set for the organisation for 2022-23,” said James Corrigan, Chief Executive of Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. “The Chief Inspector has developed an Inspection Programme which has been approved by the Minister of Justice and supports our aim of achieving a better justice system for all,” he said. Speaking about the Inspection Programme, Ms Jacqui Durkin, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland said it was aligned with the key themes identified in the CJI Corporate Plan of better services and delivery; better efficiency and effectiveness; better protection and safeguarding; better strategy and governance; and better outcomes. The Inspection Programme includes inspections already in progress, inspections carried forward from the last financial year and new inspections. It also includes a series of Follow-up Reviews to assess progress in implementing recommendations made in previous inspection reports and reviews. “This year’s Inspection Programme reflects the impact of the pandemic on inspected organisations and their staff, and the time and resources required to complete the Care and Supervision Unit requested Review and plans in place to undertake follow-up work in this area as well as resources available within our own organisation and partner Inspectorates,” said Ms Durkin. “The number of inspections included has been designed to realistically reflect ongoing work and Inspector resources. “We look forward to the further restoration of safe on-site fieldwork and office-based working while continuing to reap the benefits of using technology and remote working where it’s appropriate and better for criminal justice organisations, our stakeholders and evidence gathering. “The Chief Executive and I look forward to a challenging year ahead and reporting our progress in our Annual Report and Accounts,” she concluded.